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高齢者人口を敬老の日前に発表 【2012年09月18日】

The number of people in Japan aged 65 and over hit a record high of 30.74 million while the number of centenarians topped 50,000 for the first time,


沖縄でオスプレイ配備の大規模反対集会 【2012年09月10日】

Tens of thousands of people rallied in Okinawa on Sunday to protest against the planned deployment of U.S. Ospreys in the southernmost prefecture


栃木の森林が放射性廃棄物処分場の候補に 【2012年09月04日】

The Japanese government on Monday proposed a national forest in Tochigi Prefecture as a site for the final disposal of radioactive waste


中国が日本大使車の襲撃に遺憾 【2012年08月28日】

China expressed deep regret on Monday after two cars forced the official vehicle of the Japanese ambassador to stop


日本の人口が3年連続で減少 【2012年08月08日】

The Internal Affairs Ministry announced on Tuesday that Japan's population as of March 31 dropped for the third straight year to 126.65 million,


東電が福島危機の映像を公開 【2012年08月07日】

Tokyo Electric Power Company on Monday released 150 hours of footage of its teleconference


広島、67回目の原爆忌 【2012年08月06日】

The western Japanese city of Hiroshima marked the 67th anniversary of the US atomic bombing on Monday


水俣病救済の期限が満了 【2012年08月01日】

The deadline expired on Tuesday for victims of Minamata disease, a neurological syndrome caused by mercury poisoning,


オスプレイ岩国航空基地に陸揚げ 【2012年07月24日】

Twelve MV-22 Osprey transport aircraft were unloaded on Monday at the US air station in Iwakuni, western Japan


猛暑で使用電力が増加 【2012年07月18日】

The rainy season was declared over on Tuesday in many parts of Japan, where power usage reached around 90 percent


自衛隊ヘリが九州に物資を空輸 【2012年07月16日】

Self Defense Force helicopters on Sunday began airlifting supplies to thousands of people cut off by floods in the northern parts of Kyushu,


上野動物園のパンダの赤ちゃんが保育器に 【2012年07月09日】

Tokyo's Ueno Zoo on Saturday moved the giant panda cub, born for the first time in 24 years, to an incubator


原発再稼働をよそに節電を実施 【2012年07月03日】

The government-imposed power saving targets took effect on Monday despite the weekend restart of a reactor at the Ohi nuclear power plant


「通り魔は自分で死んで」大阪府知事 【2012年06月12日】

Following Sunday's incident in which two people were fatally stabbed on a street in downtown Osaka, the prefecture's Governor Ichiro Matsui said


1997年の殺人でネパール人男性の再審決定 【2012年06月11日】

The Tokyo High Court on Thursday morning decided to grant a retrial to a 45-year-old Nepalese man after he had served 15 years in prison for the 1997 killing


人気お笑い芸人が母親の生活保護受給を告白 【2012年05月28日】

A popular comedian publicly apologized at a news conference on Friday for letting his mother continue to receive welfare benefits for 14 to 15 years


クールビズが再び5月1日開始 【2012年04月23日】

The Japanese government will start its annual Cool Biz casual wear campaign for energy-saving on May 1, a month earlier than usual,


日本で唯一稼働の原子炉が5月に停止予定 【2012年03月26日】

Hokkaido Electric Power Co. announced on Monday that it plans to suspend operations of the No. 3 unit at its Tomari nuclear power plant,


日本が大地震から1周年 【2012年03月12日】

People across Japan offered a silent prayer to mourn the victims at 2:46 p.m. on Sunday,


天皇陛下の術後経過順調 【2012年02月20日】

Emperor Akihito, who underwent heart bypass surgery at the University of Tokyo Hospital on Saturday,


民主党の自殺対策標語がお蔵入り 【2012年02月08日】

The ruling Democratic Party of Japan decided to retract the suicide prevention slogan that reads "Declare yourself part of GKB47!",


厚労省がパワハラを定義 【2012年01月31日】

The labor ministry on Monday defined so-called power harassment as an action in which not only superiors but also peers or subordinates abuse their power


大学入試センター試験で問題多発 【2012年01月18日】

More than 4,500 test-takers were affected during the nation's unified university entrance examinations over the weekend by various problems


福島の新築マンションで放射能を検出 【2012年01月17日】

The government announced on Sunday that radioactive cesium was detected in a newly-built condominium complex in Nihonmatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture,


東北の一本松が瀕死の状態に 【2011年12月06日】

A local civic group has given up its efforts to preserve a 30-meter tall pine tree in Iwate Prefecture that miraculously survived the March 11 disaster


天皇が消防士の慰霊祭にご出席 【2011年11月30日】

The Emperor attended a memorial service in Tokyo on Tuesday for over 200 firefighters who perished during missions following the March 11 disaster


10月の失業率が4.5パーセントに上昇 【2011年11月29日】

Japan's jobless rate rose to 4.5 percent in October, according to a government report on Tuesday,


東京地下鉄サリン事件のオウム裁判が終結 【2011年11月22日】

The Supreme Court on Monday upheld the death sentence of a former senior member of the Aum Truth cult,


政府が関西と九州に今冬の節電を要請 【2011年11月02日】

The government said on Tuesday that it will ask customers of Kansai Electric and Kyushu Electric to cut power consumption


世界人口が70億人に 【2011年10月31日】

Demographers at the United Nations said that the world population will hit 7 billion on Monday,


マレーシア法定が法人看護師に絞首刑判決 【2011年10月26日】

A Malaysian court on Tuesday sentenced a 37-year-old Japanese nurse from Aomori Prefecture to death by hanging


日本が被災地へのパンダ貸与を中国に要請か 【2011年10月18日】

The Japanese government is considering asking China to lease giant pandas to a zoo in Sendai City,


福島米が出荷可能に 【2011年10月13日】

The Fukushima prefectural government said on Wednesday that newly harvested rice from the nuclear accident-hit region is safe for shipment


東京で大規模な反原発デモ 【2011年09月20日】

Tens of thousands of demonstrators marched in Tokyo on Monday calling for an end to nuclear energy in Japan in the wake of the March 11 disaster


日本沖で脱北者を救助 【2011年09月14日】

The Japanese Coast Guard on Tuesday rescued nine North Korean defectors, including three children,


厚労大臣がたばこ税引き上げを提案 【2011年09月07日】

New Health Minister Yoko Komiyama proposed at a news conference on Monday to raise the cigarette tax by 100 yen each year


東電が福島事故の補償基準を公表 【2011年08月31日】

Tokyo Electric Power Company on Tuesday announced an outline of its compensation payments for evacuees and those who sustained damage from the accident


世界最高齢者が114歳で死去 【2011年06月22日】

A Brazilian woman listed by Guinness World Records as the world's oldest person died of pneumonia on Tuesday


数十年の服役後、二人に無罪判決 【2011年05月25日】

The Tsuchiura branch of the Mito District Court acquitted on Tuesday two men convicted in a 1967 murder-robbery case


非加熱製剤の訴訟が終結 【2011年05月18日】

The last plaintiff reached a court-managed settlement with the government and five drug companies on Monday,


福島の避難地域が拡大 【2011年05月16日】

New evacuations have begun outside the 30-kilometer exclusion zone around the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant


海上衝突で元海上自衛官に無罪判決 【2011年05月12日】

The Yokohama District Court on Wednesday acquitted two former officers of the Maritime Self-Defense Force over the fatal collision


中部電力が浜岡原発の閉鎖に合意 【2011年05月10日】

Chubu Electric Power Company on Monday decided to temporarily shut down its Hamaoka nuclear power plant until additional safety measures are taken


焼肉チェーン店の食中毒で4人が死亡 【2011年05月05日】

Two young boys and two adult women have so far died in a series of food poisoning cases


巨大地震を受けて輪番停電を開始 【2011年03月14日】

Tokyo Electric Power Co is set to conduct its first-ever rolling blackouts from Monday to prevent an unexpected massive power outage


入試問題がネット上に漏えい 【2011年02月28日】

Some of the entrance examination questions at Kyoto and other elite universities across Japan were posted on a question-and-answer website


新しいパンダのつがいが東京に到着 【2011年02月22日】

Three years after the death of the last giant panda at Ueno Zoo, a much-awaited new pair leased from China arrived in Tokyo on Monday night


政府チャーター便がエジプトから邦人を救出 【2011年02月02日】

The three airplanes chartered by the Japanese government, which flew Japanese nationals out of Egypt


英国人殺害の容疑者が手記出版 【2011年01月25日】

Tatsuya Ichihashi, the 32-year-old Japanese man charged with killing a British woman, will release an account of his thoughts on his 31-month fugitive life


宮崎県、鳥インフル対策で鶏を殺処分 【2011年01月24日】

Japan is culling hundreds of thousands of chickens at a poultry farm in the southern prefecture of Miyazaki after a new case of bird flu was detected on Friday,


日本の新成人が過去最低に減少 【2011年01月13日】

The number of Japanese people who turned 20 in 2010 hit a record low of 1.24 million, down 30,000 from the year before,


「タイガーマスク」で日本全国に寄付の連鎖 【2011年01月12日】

The 'Tiger Mask' goodwill movement, which began on Christmas morning when an anonymous donor left school backpacks at a child guidance center in Gunma, continued


尖閣ビデオ流出の捜査開始 【2010年11月09日】

Japanese prosecutors launched a criminal investigation on Monday into the leak of a classified video footage on YouTube


裁判員裁判で検察が初の死刑求刑 【2010年10月26日】

Prosecutors on Monday sought capital punishment for the first time in a lay judge trial in the case of a 42-year-old man charged with murdering an ear-cleaning salon employee


奄美大島で授業再開 【2010年10月25日】

Classes resumed on Monday at elementary and junior high schools on Amami Island in Kagoshima Prefecture


日本全国でクマが出没 【2010年10月20日】

Bears have been frequently spotted roaming streets across the nation in the past few months probably because their food sources are increasingly scarce


反日デモが中国で発生 【2010年10月18日】

Large-scale anti-Japan demonstrations took place on the weekend in China with some protesters turning violent,


日本がグーグルに尖閣の中国名削除を要請 【2010年10月14日】

Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara said on Thursday the government will ask internet search giant Google to remove the Chinese name from the disputed Senkaku island chain


日本の最高齢者を敬老の日に祝福 【2010年09月21日】

The nation's oldest person, 113-year-old Chiyono Hasegawa, received congratulations on Monday,Respect for the Aged day


喫煙率が過去最低を記録 【2010年08月18日】

An annual survey by Japan Tobacco Inc. showed the adult smoking rate marked a record low of 23.9 percent due partly to rising health consciousness


海外からの盆帰省ラッシュがピークに 【2010年08月17日】

The Bon return rush of overseas travelers amid a strong yen began to peak on Tuesday


脳死ドナーから家族の承認で臓器摘出 【2010年08月10日】

Organs were harvested Tuesday from a brain-dead donor for the first time based on the approval of his family and without any written consent by the patient


都内の最高齢者が所在不明と判明 【2010年08月03日】

The Suginami Ward office said Monday a 113-year-old woman listed as Tokyo's oldest person is not living at the address in the ward


北朝鮮の元工作員が来日 【2010年07月21日】

Former North Korean agent Kim Hyon Hui, who blew up a South Korean airliner in 1987, arrived in Japan on Tuesday


ゆうパック遅配 【2010年07月06日】

Japan Post Service Co. has damaged customers' trust over its delay in the delivery of a massive number of Yu-Pack parcels


高速道路無料化の実験プログラム開始 【2010年06月28日】

The Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Ministry started implementing a pilot program for toll-free expressways at midnight on June 28,


琴光喜、暴力団から脅迫 【2010年06月16日】

The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department suspects a gangster extorted hush money from ozeki sumo wrestler Kotomitsuki


口蹄疫で非常事態宣言 【2010年05月18日】

The Miyazaki Governor declared a state of emergency on Tuesday following the outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in the prefecture


日本で殺人の時効が廃止 【2010年04月28日】

Japan's parliament on Tuesday enacted bills abolishing the statute of limitation for murder cases and doubling the limitation period


徳之島の住民が普天間移設に抗議 【2010年04月20日】

About 15,000 residents of Tokunoshima Island in Kagoshima gathered on Sunday to protest against a government proposal


日本が反捕鯨活動家の事情聴取へ 【2010年02月17日】

An anti-whaling activist from New Zealand being held on a Japanese vessel will be handed over to the Japan Coast Guard for questioning


成田の主脚格納部に遺体 【2010年02月09日】

A black man's body was found in the landing gear compartment of a Delta Air Lines jet that arrived at Narita Airport from New York on Sunday.


日本の自殺者が2009年に増加 【2010年01月26日】

The number of suicides in Japan rose in 2009, exceeding 30,000 for the 12th straight year,


新年のUターンラッシュがピークに 【2010年01月04日】

The New Year return rush peaked on Sunday with Shinkansen trains, airports and expressways crowded with travelers


天皇陛下が76歳に 【2009年12月24日】

The Emperor of Japan, along with other members of the Imperial family, greeted crowds of well-wishers on a balcony at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo


天皇が中国副首相と特例会見へ 【2009年12月14日】

A government-arranged meeting between the Emperor and the Chinese Vice President sparked controversy over breaking a customary rule


年末ジャンボ宝くじ発売 【2009年11月25日】

The year-end "jumbo lottery" tickets went on sale nationwide on Tuesday, with more than 1,000 wannabe billionaires lining up


市橋容疑者に栄養剤を投与 【2009年11月18日】

Investigative sources said Tatsuya Ichihashi, the prime suspect in the 2007 killing of a 22-year-old British woman, was administered nutritional supplements Tuesday


オバマ大統領の天皇へのお辞儀で批判 【2009年11月17日】

U.S. President Barack Obama's deep bow to Emperor Akihito of Japan during a weekend visit in Tokyo has sparked criticism from American conservatives,


酒井被告が覚醒剤取締法違反で執行猶予 【2009年11月09日】

Japanese actress and singer Noriko Sakai was Monday sentenced to 18 months in prison suspended for three years by the Tokyo District Court


羽田のハブ化は成田縮小とならず 【2009年10月15日】

Japan's Transport Minister Seiji Maehara said Wednesday his plan to upgrade Tokyo's mainly domestic Haneda airport into a 24-hour hub does not mean


元財務大臣が急死 【2009年10月05日】

Former finance minister Shoichi Nakagawa, who stepped down in February after appearing to be drunk at a G7 news conference in Rome, was found dead at his home


ぼったくり被害の日本人観光客をランチに招待 【2009年09月15日】

A 35-year-old Japanese tourist who had received a bill worth about 700 euros (95,000 yen) at a top restaurant in Rome said Monday


日本の教育への支出は最下位から2番目 【2009年09月09日】

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development announced Tuesday that Japan's state spending on education in 2006 compared to gross domestic product


日本全国で防災訓練 【2009年09月02日】

The Cabinet Office said some 800,000 people across the nation took part in annual anti-earthquake drills on Tuesday,


国内初の裁判員裁判が開廷 【2009年08月03日】

Japan opened its first jury trial in Tokyo on Monday following major legal reforms.


不況で日本の自殺率増加 【2009年07月29日】

The National Police Agency announced the number of suicides in Japan increased by 4.2 percent to 17,076 during the first half of 2009 partly due to the recession,


東京が世界一物価の高い都市に 【2009年07月08日】

Tokyo became the world's most expensive city for expatriates and Osaka rose to number two due to the appreciation of the yen against the U.S. dollar,


最高検が菅家さんに謝罪 【2009年06月12日】

A representative of Japanese prosecutors apologized Wednesday for the false indictment and imprisonment of a 62-year-old man.


カラオケ店がインフル懸念で生徒の入店拒否 【2009年05月20日】

Karaoke parlors in the Kansai region on Monday started declining to accept the students from schools closed due to the new flu.


大阪と兵庫の学校に休校要請 【2009年05月19日】

The health ministry requested Osaka and Hyogo prefectures to temporarily close schools to stop the spread of the virus


草なぎ氏が不起訴処分に 【2009年05月01日】

Tokyo prosecutors decided Friday not to indict pop star Tsuyoshi Kusanagi because he regrets his act and has no criminal record.


厚労省が新型インフル発症宣言 【2009年04月28日】

Japan's health minister Yoichi Masuzoe said in a statement on Tuesday morning the ministry declared the outbreak of new influenza overseas


公共の場所での禁煙実施 【2009年03月24日】

The health ministry decided to ban smoking in public places such as schools, hospitals, and public transportation to protect nonsmokers from passive smoking.


仏像が無事帰還 【2009年03月05日】

A stolen Kannon statue was returned Wednesday to a Zen Buddhist temple in the ancient capital of Kyoto


留学生が円高で受難 【2009年01月28日】

Many foreign students from China, South Korea, and Southeast Asian nations are having trouble paying tuition for schools and universities


34歳の殺人犯に死刑を求刑 【2009年01月27日】

Prosecutors sought the death penalty for a 34-year-old man accused of murdering and mutilating a 23-year-old woman


医師がヒアルロン酸の自己注射に警告 【2009年01月13日】

Health professionals are warning people to refrain from injecting themselves with hyaluronic acid as an anti-aging treatment,


福袋目当てに買い物客が行列 【2009年01月05日】

Thousands of shoppers lined up for hours at the beginning of the New Year to buy Lucky Bags,


飯島愛さんの死亡を確認 【2008年12月26日】

Former TV personality Ai Iijima, who retired from the television business world in March last year but continued her campaign for AIDS awareness, was found dead


インフルエンザが全国で流行 【2008年12月18日】

The National Institute of Infectious Diseases is urging people to take vaccinations and other preventive measures as influenza is spreading at a faster pace than usual.


労働者が人員削減に抗議 【2008年12月17日】

Hundreds of workers protested in Tokyo on Tuesday to accuse top Japanese companies of massive job cuts,


雅子様が45歳の誕生日 【2008年12月10日】

Crown Princess Masako marked her 45th birthday on Tuesday, saying she feels that she has come to be able to extend the range of her official duties little by little.


鉄道ファンがゼロ系に別れ 【2008年12月02日】

Crowds of railway enthusiasts flocked to stations on the Sanyo Shinkansen Line on Sunday to bid a farewell to the Zero-Series


広島が原爆投下から63周年 【2008年08月06日】

Hiroshima marked the 63rd anniversary of the 1945 U.S. atomic bombing of the city on Wednesday.


日本の6月の失業率発表 【2008年07月29日】

Japan's unemployment rate for men was unchanged at 4.2 percent in June, while the rate for women was up 0.3 points to 4.0 percent, according to the Internal Affairs Ministry.



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