







質問例)How do Christians view Jesus Christ?

解答例)They see him as their hero. (=英文記事に基づいた解答)

It’s quite understandable.(=自分の感想)




※ Q1 to Q4 have the same questions for both audio players. Only Q5 in the B2 level version allows for a 30-second response time.





“Q1” “Q2” などのタブをクリックすると、各質問の音声・質問の英文と和訳・解答例の英文と和訳が表示されます。

Clicking on tabs such as “Q1” and “Q2” will display the audio for each question, the English text and Japanese translation of the question, and the English text and Japanese translation of the sample answers.

Why is the hometown tax becoming popular for Noto quake relief?


Ex) Because it’s easy to use. You can donate online and help affected areas from home.

What benefit do you get when you donate more than 2,000 yen?


Ex) You can reduce your taxes when you donate more than 2,000 yen.That’s what I like about this system.

Why did the government tighten the rules in October 2023?


Ex) Some municipalities were attracting donations with high-value gifts that were not really local.

What is the difference between donations for disaster support and regular donations?


Ex) For disaster support donations, there are usually no thank-you gifts, whereas regular donations often come with return gifts.

Tell me what you know about the hometown tax system.


Tell me what you know about the hometown tax system. When did it start and why is it so popular?



※( )内の英文は30秒スピーチ用です。The English sentences in parentheses are sample answers intended for a 30-second speech.

Ex.) The system started in 2008. It allows you to contribute to a place you want to support.

(It has become popular probably because people receive local items in return. This led to intense competition among municipalities.

They tried to attract donations with high-value gifts. Some of these gifts were not really local.

So the government tightened the rules in October 2023. Popular gifts include meats, seafood, and daily items.)

出題した質問集(List of Questions)

Q1) Why is the hometown tax becoming popular for Noto quake relief?

Q2) What benefit do you get when you donate more than 2,000 yen?

Q3) Why did the government tighten the rules in October 2023?

Q4) What is the difference between donations for disaster support and regular donations?

Q5) Tell me what you know about the hometown tax system. When did it start and why is it so popular?







