経済的・政治的不安の中、日本が水際対策を緩和へ【Japan to relax border controls amid economic and political concerns】

【説明を表示】Japan to relax border controls amid economic and political concerns
Japan lags behind other countries ①( ), and many politicians and business leaders say this amounts to a “seclusion policy” that is damaging the nation’s economy and international image. With Omicron ②( ), the government ③( ), boosting the quota on daily arrivals from 3,500 to 5,000 and ④( ) to three days.
lag behind(動)後れをとる
amount to(動)~ということになる、~を意味する
seclusion policy(名)鎖国政策
scale back(動)縮小する、減らす
◆ Japan to relax border controls amid economic and political concerns 経済的・政治的不安の中、日本が水際対策を緩和へ
通常の英文に直すと、以下のようになります。( )が変更・補足した箇所です。
Japan (is) to relax border controls amid economic and political concerns.
「border control(国境警備、出入国管理)」は、オミクロン株の流入を防ぐための、入国者数制限と入国者の隔離を指しています。
◆ Japan lags behind other countries in easing curbs on arrivals from overseas, 日本は海外からの入国者数制限の緩和において、他国に後れをとっており、
◆ this amounts to a “seclusion policy” これは「鎖国政策」に等しく、
「seclusion policy」に引用符(“ ”)がついています。
◆ that is damaging the nation’s economy and international image. 日本の経済と国際的イメージを損なっている、と。
「the nation(その国)」は、日本を指しています。
◆ With Omicron variant infections appearing to have peaked, オミクロン株の感染者数がピークに達したとみられるため、
「With」で始まるこの文は、「With+O(目的語)+C(補語)」という構文で、意味は「O が C なので」という理由・原因を表します。
O が「Omicron variant infections(オミクロン株の感染者数)」、C が「appearing to have peaked(ピークに達したと見られる)」です。
◆ boosting the quota on daily arrivals from 3,500 to 5,000 1日の入国者数の上限を、3,500人から5,000人へ引き上げ、
分詞構文の現在分詞「boosting」の主語は、前述の名詞「the government」です。
◆ and shortening quarantines from a week to three days. また、隔離期間を1週間から3日に短縮する。
【説明を表示】Japan to relax border controls amid economic and political concerns
Japan lags behind other countries in easing curbs on arrivals from overseas, / and many politicians and business leaders say / this amounts to a “seclusion policy” / that is damaging the nation’s economy and international image. / With Omicron variant infections appearing to have peaked, / the government now plans to scale back restrictions, / boosting the quota on daily arrivals from 3,500 to 5,000 / and shortening quarantines from a week to three days.
【説明を表示】Step6: 反訳トレーニング
【説明を表示】Japan to relax border controls amid economic and political concerns
Japan lags behind other countries in easing curbs on arrivals from overseas, and many politicians and business leaders say this amounts to a “seclusion policy” that is damaging the nation’s economy and international image. With Omicron variant infections appearing to have peaked, the government now plans to scale back restrictions, boosting the quota on daily arrivals from 3,500 to 5,000 and shortening quarantines from a week to three days.
▶ Japan to ease Covid border controls after two years of ‘seclusion policy’
▶ 首相、水際対策を3月から緩和…「まずは第1段階」入国上限1日5千人に
▶ 「コロナ鎖国」との批判もある”厳格”入国制限が来月緩和へ 国内企業からも歓迎の声|テレ東プラス
This is great news for me! I fully support reducing restrictions, especially shortening quarantine times. I’ve been unable to return to the US for two years because the quarantine seemed like too much of a burden, but I can handle three days. I believe that’s enough, as long as I present a negative COVID test result.


“経済的・政治的不安の中、日本が水際対策を緩和へ【Japan to relax border controls amid economic and political concerns】”へ6件のコメント
I support Japan’s easing its strict border control because the so-called “seclusion policy” would worsen Japan’s chronic labor shortage. From major tech companies to elderly care facilities, Japanese businesses have had to battle through the pandemic without foreign staff.
It’s good decision to ease curbs on arrivals from foreign countries, especially on foreign students who want to study in Japan. There is no reason to shut them out because they will stay here for a certain period, not going in and out repeatedly.
This news reminded me of Mr. Harari’s comment that in order to fight Coronavirus Pandemic, countries must cooperate with each other, rather than closing their borders and thinking only of their own countries. If we put ourselves first, the human race will never progress.
On March 1, the government started to ease the waterfront measure. It raised the number of foreigners entering Japan and shortened the quarantine period. This may be good news, having us anticipate the end of the pandemic. However, the situation that coronavirus infections are a big concern is the token that the country is in peace, thinking about the war in Ukraine.
There are still about 400,000 people, including 150,000 students, waiting for entering Japan. Easing restrictions is essential for the economy and the labor shortage. However, I wonder if just adding 1500 arrivals won’t probably make a big difference. Unfortunately, I feel that Japan seems to become less attractive destination for foreigners.
I agree that it’s time for Japan to relax Covid-19 restrictions to save its economy. But I don’t think it should do so for its “international image.” Each country is fighting the virus under different circumstances. Therefore, Japan should do what is best for its people without worrying about other nations’ criticism.