







質問例)How do Christians view Jesus Christ?

解答例)They see him as their hero. (=英文記事に基づいた解答)

It’s quite understandable.(=自分の感想)




※ Q1 to Q4 have the same questions for both audio players. Only Q5 in the B2 level version allows for a 30-second response time.




“Q1” “Q2” などのタブをクリックすると、各質問の音声・質問の英文と和訳・解答例の英文と和訳が表示されます。

Clicking on tabs such as “Q1” and “Q2” will display the audio for each question, the English text and Japanese translation of the question, and the English text and Japanese translation of the sample answers.

What does a “two-way” player mean?


Ex) It means he can play as both a pitcher and hitter. This is rare talent as a professional baseball player.

How was Ohtani’s acceptance speech unusual?


Ex) He delivered the speech in English. This was unusual because he usually uses an interpreter.

What nickname did some fans give Ohtani?


Ex) They called him the “GOAT” — the Greatest Of All Time. It’s often used for legendary performers like Roger Federer.

What was notable about Ohtani’s new contract with the Dodgers?


Ex) It was notable for its size and deferred payments. He signed a 10-year, $700 million contract.

What did some people say was disrespectful?


What did some people say was disrespectful? Do you agree? Explain the reason.



※青字の英文は30秒スピーチ用です。The English sentences in blue are sample answers intended for a 30-second speech.

Ex1) Some people said focusing too much on Ohtani’s English was disrespectful.

I don’t agree because it shows his effort to adapt and communicate globally. It’s impressive for a non-native speaker to address a large audience in English.

This aspect of Ohtani’s personality sets a positive example for others.

While his baseball skills are outstanding, his willingness to learn and use English should also be acknowledged and celebrated.

Ex2) Some people said focusing too much on Ohtani’s English was disrespectful.

I agree because it seems unfair to judge a non-native speaker’s language skills too harshly.

Ohtani is known for his baseball talent, not his English. It’s important to appreciate his sports achievements more than his language ability.

We should respect his effort to speak English, but not make it the main focus.

出題した質問集(List of Questions)

Q1) What does a “two-way” player mean?

Q2) How was Ohtani’s acceptance speech unusual?

Q3) What nickname did some fans give Ohtani?

Q4) What was notable about Ohtani’s new contract with the Dodgers?

Q5) What did some people say was disrespectful? Do you agree?







