







質問例)How do Christians view Jesus Christ?

解答例)They see him as their hero. (=英文記事に基づいた解答)

It’s quite understandable.(=自分の感想)




※ Q1 to Q4 have the same questions for both audio players. Only Q5 in the B2 level version allows for a 30-second response time.




“Q1” “Q2” などのタブをクリックすると、各質問の音声・質問の英文と和訳・解答例の英文と和訳が表示されます。

Clicking on tabs such as “Q1” and “Q2” will display the audio for each question, the English text and Japanese translation of the question, and the English text and Japanese translation of the sample answers.

What is the “Isn’t it OK to sit down?” project trying to improve?


Ex) It is trying to improve work conditions for Japan’s customer service employees. I’m impressed with their activities.

What do labor ministry regulations require businesses to do?


Ex) They require businesses to provide chairs for workers. I didn’t know there were such regulations. All companies should follow them.

Do all industries in Japan follow labor ministry regulations?


Ex) No, some industries do not permit workers to sit. I don’t understand why they are not allowed to sit.

What did the official in charge agree to investigate?


Ex) He agreed to investigate service workers’ conditions. I really hope this action will lead to a breakthrough.

Do cashiers in other countries keep standing while working?

What is a key difference in work conditions between customer service jobs in Japan and other countries?



Ex) No, they commonly sit while working. Unfortunately, this practice is not common in Japan.


Ex) In Japan, customer service employees are not allowed to sit in some industries such as supermarkets and convenience stores.

In other countries, they commonly sit while working.

However, Japan’s labor ministry regulations require businesses to provide chairs for workers.

It’s a shame that some workers in Japan are forced to keep standing for hours.

出題した質問集(List of Questions)

Q1) What is the “Isn’t it OK to sit down?” project trying to improve?

Q2) What do labor ministry regulations require businesses to do?

Q3) Do all industries in Japan follow labor ministry regulations?

Q4) What did the official in charge agree to investigate?

Q5)-1 Do cashiers in other countries keep standing while working?

Q5)-2 What is a key difference in work conditions between customer service jobs in Japan and other countries?


立ったままの接客に改善を要望【Request to Improve Standing Jobs】




