







質問例)How do Christians view Jesus Christ?

解答例)They see him as their hero. (=英文記事に基づいた解答)

It’s quite understandable.(=自分の感想)




※ Q1 to Q4 have the same questions for both audio players. Only Q5 in the B2 level version allows for a 30-second response time.




“Q1” “Q2” などのタブをクリックすると、各質問の音声・質問の英文と和訳・解答例の英文と和訳が表示されます。

Clicking on tabs such as “Q1” and “Q2” will display the audio for each question, the English text and Japanese translation of the question, and the English text and Japanese translation of the sample answers.

What is the TV drama about?


Ex) It’s about a PE teacher from the 1980s who time-travels to the present. Sounds intriguing!

What kinds of changes in Japan does the drama show?


Ex) It shows changes in Japan’s language, traditions, and practices. Very educational!

How have smoking practices changed?


Ex) Smoking was allowed everywhere but now is restricted. It’s healthier this way.

What has changed about drinking at parties?


Ex) Binge drinking used to be normal but is now discouraged. It’s better for health.

Do you believe life is more comfortable in the past or now?


Do you believe life is more comfortable in the past or now?




Ex 1) I think life is more comfortable in the Reiwa era due to technology. It makes daily tasks easier.

Ex 2) I believe the Showa era had its advantages. People seemed to have stronger connections.


Ex 1) In my opinion, life in the Reiwa era is more comfortable because of the advancements in technology and healthcare.

We have access to better medical treatments, faster internet, and smarter devices that make life more convenient.

The emphasis on work-life balance and mental health in contemporary society also contributes to a higher quality of life.

Ex 2) I believe the Showa era had its advantages in terms of a simpler, more community-oriented lifestyle.

People seemed to have stronger connections with their neighbors and less stress from the digital world.

The lower cost of living and the value placed on traditions and craftsmanship provided a sense of fulfillment and stability that is sometimes missing today.

出題した質問集(List of Questions)

Q1) What is the TV drama about?

Q2) What kinds of changes in Japan does the drama show?

Q3) How have smoking practices changed?

Q4) What has changed about drinking at parties?

Q5) Do you believe life is more comfortable in the past or now?


不適切にもほどがある!昭和の常識は令和の非常識?!【Common Sense in Showa, Nonsense in Reiwa?!】




