3Dプリント食が世界の食料需要を満たすのに役立つ可能性【3D printed food could help meet world’s food needs】

【説明を表示】3D printed food could help meet world’s food needs
①( ) to open a high-tech restaurant that not only collects data from sushi ②( ), but also tailors meals to customers’ nutritional needs. If the technology catches on, it could “teleport” food to far-flung places, promote health, ③( ). However, it is still quite costly, ④( ).
tailor A to B(動)AをBに合うように調整する
catch on(句動)人気を博する、普及する
◆ 3D printed food could help meet world’s food needs 3Dプリント食品が世界の食料需要を満たすのに役立つ可能性
通常の英文に直すと以下のようになります。( )が変更・補足した箇所です。
(The) 3D printed food could help meet (the) world’s food needs.
「meet a need」は「ニーズ・要求を満たす」という意味です。
◆ but also tailors meals to customers’ nutritional needs. 食事を客の栄養面のニーズに合わせて提供する(レストランである)。
「tailor A to B」は「AをBに合うようにカスタマイズする」という意味です。
Aが「meals(食事)」、Bが「customers’ nutritional needs(客の栄養面のニーズ)」です。
「customers(複数形)」の所有をあらわす 「’s」をつける際は「customer’s」ではなく「customers’」 となります。
◆ If the technology catches on, もしこの技術が普及すれば、
「catch on(意味を理解する、~を捕まえる)」は、この記事では「人気を博する、普及する」という意味で使われています。
◆ it could “teleport” food to far-flung places, 食品を遠くの場所に「瞬間移動」することができ、
特殊な用法であることを示す際に、引用符 (“ ”) を使用します。
◆ promote health, and reduce food waste and environmental impact. 健康を促進し、さらに、食品廃棄や環境への影響を減らすこともできる。
「food waste(食品廃棄)」は、小売店・飲食店・消費者による食品の廃棄のことです。
一方、近年よく目にする「food loss(食品ロス)」は、生産・加工・流通の段階で生じる食品の廃棄を指しています。
◆ However, it is still quite costly, しかし、これはまだかなり高額であり、
「it」は、前の文章の「the technology(この技術)」のことです。
【説明を表示】3D printed food could help meet world’s food needs
A Japanese company has announced plans / to open a high-tech restaurant / that not only collects data from sushi and replicates it with 3D printers, / but also tailors meals to customers’ nutritional needs. / If the technology catches on, / it could “teleport” food to far-flung places, / promote health, and reduce food waste and environmental impact. / However, it is still quite costly, / and the flavors are far from the real thing.
【説明を表示】Step6: 反訳トレーニング
【説明を表示】3D printed food could help meet world’s food needs
A Japanese company has announced plans to open a high-tech restaurant that not only collects data from sushi and replicates it with 3D printers, but also tailors meals to customers’ nutritional needs. If the technology catches on, it could “teleport” food to far-flung places, promote health, and reduce food waste and environmental impact. However, it is still quite costly, and the flavors are far from the real thing.
Tokyo Restaurant Offers 3D-Printed Sushi Tailored to Your Health Needs
On the one hand, technologies that can deliver healthy foods anywhere, with less waste and environmental impact, sound like a positive thing. On the other hand, I think a lot of people (me included) would hesitate to eat 3D printed sushi. (41 words)
“3Dプリント食が世界の食料需要を満たすのに役立つ可能性【3D printed food could help meet world’s food needs】”へ10件のコメント
I can’t imagine at all what 3D printed food is like. Is it delicious for real? I don’t want to eat it, no matter how nutrituous it is.
I think 3D printed food seems more like a supplement than food because it is made by a machine and could provide personal nutritional needs.
I know it’s helpful for food shortage and promoting health, but I’d like to have a meal cooked by human! Is this technology going to spread in the near future? I hope all of the food is not be taken the place of 3D printed food.
I have heard a 3D printed house before, but did not know 3D printers can also make food! It is really interesting to watch/read related videos and articles. If there is an opportunity to try this 3D printed sushi, I would love to! Will it come with 3D printed Wasabi and Soy sauce?
I was very surprised when I heard this news. But no thanks because I want to choose my own tastes and nutritional needs! In addition, we never forget that humans create amazing things like food, art, and music! How amazing Itamae’s making sushi is!
3D printed food is so shocking, it’s like something out of science fiction. Will food no longer be about culture or blessings of nature, much less mother’s home cooking, but a product of science and technology? Personally, I don’t want to eat it.
3D printed food is beyond my imagination. This may be the product of high technology but I cannot help feeling that we are not robots but human beings. Eating means not only taking in nutrients but enjoy the atmosphere of eating. We also enjoy the aroma, the flavor, the texture, and the appearance of the food. What would the world be like in the coming 50 years?
I think the idea of 3D food printing is futuristic and potential, but the 3D printed food seems to be less warm and savory compared with the real things.That’s because we have meals to enrich our mind as well as to get nutrition.
The world of science fiction is being realized. If the problem of costs is solved, this technology may be attractive. However, many peoples around the world have preserved their own ways of cooking as one of their traditions, so I hope the word a “hearty dish” would not die.
Can you imagine a world where a “printer” creates food? It must change our lives dramatically. It may solve world hunger and food problems. It may give us much more time to do what we want if we cook less often. But it may take jobs away from many people, too.
That’s amazing that could teleport food to far-flung places! It might be able to use to deliver fresh food to the spacecraft. I felt that this 3D printer seems like Doraemon’s pocket. However, I would rather eat sushi and tasty Japanese foods cooked by a human chef.
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