










Misaki asked Takashi, another participant, for his opinion on this topic, and he shared his view on the matter. Now, listen to their conversation and answer a question about the content.

Misaki: Takashi, can you think of any ways to improve security measures at political events without compromising the politicians’ ability to interact with the public?

Takashi: Oh, thank you for asking, Misaki. Yes, I think there are several ways to improve security measures at political events without compromising politicians’ ability to interact with the public.

First, I believe that implementing thorough background checks and metal detector screenings for all attendees can help ensure a safer environment. While this may require additional time and resources, it is a necessary precaution to minimize risks.

Another solution is to use technology, such as surveillance cameras and facial recognition software, to monitor and identify any potential threats within the crowd. This could enable security personnel to act proactively in case of suspicious behavior.

Finally, politicians can also engage with the public through digital platforms, such as social media and live streaming events, to maintain a connection while keeping physical interactions more controlled.

In conclusion, by combining these strategies, we can enhance security measures at political events without hindering the politicians’ ability to connect with the public.

Question 1) A,  B,  C



Question No. 1: What was one of the suggested methods to improve security measures at political events while maintaining politicians’ ability to interact with the public?

A) Increasing the number of security personnel at events.

B) Using technology like surveillance cameras and facial recognition software.

C) Reducing the number of political events to minimize risks.

Question 2) E, F, G



Question No. 2: Which of the following is NOT mentioned in Takashi’s suggestions for improving security measures at political events? 

E) Organizing smaller, invite-only events for politicians and selected guests.

F) Implementing thorough background checks and metal detector screenings for all attendees.

G) Engaging with the public through digital platforms, such as social media and live streaming events.

▶ 各設問の正解とポイント解説

Question 1) A,  B,  C



Question No. 1: What was one of the suggested methods to improve security measures at political events while maintaining politicians’ ability to interact with the public?

A) Increasing the number of security personnel at events.  ☓

B) Using technology like surveillance cameras and facial recognition software.  ◯

▶Takashi says that another solution is to use technology, such as surveillance cameras and facial recognition software, to monitor and identify any potential threats within the crowd.

C) Reducing the number of political events to minimize risks. ☓

Question 2) E, F, G


Question No. 2: Which of the following is NOT mentioned in Takashi’s suggestions for improving security measures at political events? 

E) Organizing smaller, invite-only events for politicians and selected guests. ◯

▶Takashi believes that implementing thorough background checks and metal detector screenings for all attendees can help ensure a safer environment.

F) Implementing thorough background checks and metal detector screenings for all attendees. ☓

G) Engaging with the public through digital platforms, such as social media and live streaming events. ☓

▶Takashi says that politicians can also engage with the public through digital platforms, such as social media and live streaming events.




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